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By Dan Cook | 16 Sep 2022

Inside Bytron: An Interview with Caitlin Padgett

Caitlin has been a part of the Bytron team for nearly 3 years now as a Senior Software Developer within the production development Team.

We chatted with Caitlin to gain a good understanding of her developer role at the company.


What is your job role?

As one of the software developers, it is my role to design, implement and test software features into our aviation software. I currently lead a team of developers on our EFB product, where we’re working closely with the Product Owner and the CAM’s team to provide key features into the version 2 of the app.


What is your favourite thing about your role?

Everyone is so supportive here. Even since we all started working from home, we haven’t lost the communication and support we had. No matter who you speak with, they’re always happy to help.


How have you progressed within your career?

I have always had an interest in computers and software from school, college and then university. It wasn’t until I started my career that I was overwhelmed with how much I still had to learn. Joining Bytron Aviation Systems was one of the best decisions I’ve made, I was able to progress so much in such a short time.


What advice would you give to someone starting out in your area of the business?

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Another developer is always a phone call away and they’ve probably been in your shoes.

Always strive to better your skills, Bytron offer us a training budget where we can download online courses, we also have frequent training sessions where other developers share their knowledge.


What superpower would you love to have, and why?

I’d have the power to speak with animals! We get so much wildlife near where we live, it would be cool to chat to the animals that come into our garden (and so my dogs listen to me for once!)


What is your favourite season, and why?

It has to be Autumn for me, it’s not too hot and not too cold. Plus, we get an extra hour in bed!


Would you like to be a software developer?

Check out our current developer career opportunities by visiting our careers page and why not learn more about what software we create here... Bytron Aviation Systems.


By Dan Cook | 16 Sep 2022

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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