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Record Vault

Access flight history data and complete voyage reports.



Complete Flight history data

Sector summary

Record Vault Sector Summary

The new flight sector summary page provides an all-in-one solution for post-flight data.

Automatically synced from the pilots EFB device with full voyage report data for:

  • Pre-flight, in-flight & post-flight
  • Pilots Nav log
  • Assets: forms, reports, EFF files, etc

Record Vault Sector Summary
Access stored flight data for effective airline analytics

Instantly access historic flight data

Regulations require airlines to keep flight records for 90 days. This emphasizes the need for secure post-flight data storage improving compliance and audits.

In Record Vault flight history data can be stored for up to 5 years! Including flight plans, Wx and NOTAMs, stored securely once a flight has signed off.

It’s easy to download multiple voyage reports, flight tracking data, signature reports or OFP data.


Complete access to EFB Journey Log

Gain full access to all of the journey log information and reports transmitted from the pilots EFB application.

Instant access to everything from fuel data, loadsheet, APU, landing performance, CAT approach, ATIS, Clearance, waypoints, ground services, de-icing and so much more.

Access stored flight data for effective airline analytics

Download flight data across departments

Record Vault OFP History

Record Vault simplifies the retrieval of information about specific pilots, aircraft, or fleet operations during a specific time period. Download data for other teams:

  • Crewing - access to duty periods operated
  • Technical records - hours flown for particular airframes
  • Route planners - correlations in flown route data

Record Vault OFP History
Access stored flight data for effective airline analytics

Lock flight data in the event of an incident

In the event of an incident and an investigation is required, the data from the flight can be instantly locked to prevent any information being opened, changed or updated.

That particular sector will also be hidden from view for other users, until it has been unlocked.

Access stored flight data for effective airline analytics

Access stored flight data for effective airline analytics

The powerful Reporting and Analytics module makes direct use of the flight data stored within the skybook Record Vault.

Easily evaluate and share key flight data analysis, to further improve the overall performance of flight operations.

Analyse historical EFB briefing data provided by the pilots, such as delays, on-time performance and aircraft fuel usage.

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