Keeping track of weather conditions for all of your airports in a busy OCC environment, can be challenging!
skybook Airfield Watch makes it easy to view Wx & NOTAM changes relevant to your flight operations. Saving manual searching or using multiple systems.
Using your flight plan data for departure, destination and alternate airfields, improving awareness within your team.
Using real-time data from the Met Office, NOAA and EUROCONTROL, critical issues are instantly noticed, allowing for quick planning.
Domas Makarevičius,
Flight Planning Manager, GetJet Airlines
Airfield Watch shows a clear overview of the METAR, TAF and NOTAMs of your chosen airfields of interest.
Colour-coded graphics display key weather data including Cloud Ceiling, Visibility, RVR, Wind Speed and Gust.
More detailed aerodrome information can be accessed by simply clicking on an airfield graphic.
You can create custom groups of airports to monitor using IATA or ICAO codes - useful if your airline has specific routes on certain days, or if you want to separate airports by country, for example.
Airfield Watch automatically comes configured with your departure, destination and alternate airfields.
Our airfield monitoring system alerts any significant changes based on your airlines preferred minima parameters.
There is a default set of minima for all airfields. With custom minima options for category A, B and C airports.
Airports can also have multiple minimas for standard Minima, Alternate Minima, En-route Alternate Minima, ETOPS Alternate Minima to meet regulator requirements.
Red, amber and green simplifies weather and NOTAM monitoring, improving awareness for ok, warning and critical.
We’re thrilled to unveil our FREE iPhone & iPad app, made for pilots and aviation enthusiasts!
Providing precise METAR, TAF & NOTAMs using operational flight data.
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