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Is managing NOTAMs taking up too much operational time?



Flight safety with NOTAM Watch

NOTAM Watch helps you manage NOTAMs

In an industry where safety and accuracy is critical, reviewing NOTAM data is time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies.

Our NOTAM manager automatically reviews NOTAMs for all your flights and highlights critical ones, then email notifications are sent to the required team members for improved awareness.

Using real-time data from multiple sources such as EUROCONTROL; the NOTAM manager empowers operators to make precise decisions, enhancing team productivity and saving valuable time.

NOTAM Watch helps you manage NOTAMs
NOTAM filtering reduces overload

NOTAM filtering reduces overload

NOTAMs are easily managed with our clever filtering options. Operators can define the information they want to receive and exclude.

This also means flight briefing packs are reduced in size, streamlining the flight crews workload.

NOTAMs can be filtered by Series, Airfield / FIR, Q-Code, QFIR and coming soon by Keyword.

Automated NOTAM alerts

NOTAM Watch intuitively scans all NOTAM information and automatically alerts operators to any critical or warning NOTAMs relevant to them.

Create email rules to choose exactly which team members need to receive specific NOTAMs, allowing for automatic distribution.

Utilizing NOTAM manager

Awareness modules for Ground operations

Filter NOTAMs to include or exclude information

The NOTAM manager system has enabled us to further develop flight awareness modules that support ground operations in their flight watch duties.

  • Airfield Watch is an airfield monitoring system that helps OCC managers & flight ops to instantly see live METAR, TAF and NOTAM issues.
  • Very quick and easy to implement within airlines and there is nothing else like it on the market.


Status updates are updated in real time and can be viewed using the Dispatch Monitor
Real-time and planned position updates ensures your airline is GADSS compliance.

Flight tracking for global awareness

 Cutting-edge weather & environment layers for awareness of potential upcoming issues.

Within the skybook flight tracking module, the destination airports NOTAM information is easily viewable for better global awareness:

  • Cutting-edge weather & environment layers for awareness of potential upcoming issues.
  • Real-time and planned position updates ensures your airline is GADSS compliance.


Filtered FAA NOTAMs on EFB application

Filter NOTAMs to include or exclude information

Integrating filtered NOTAM data onto the EFB app within flight briefing packs enables the flight crew to easily view the most important issues.

  • The EFB filters METAR, TAF, NOTAM and flight charts for a streamlined pilot user experience.
  • Including an interactive map with weather & NOTAM layers and data for all relevant airfields or airports.


Status updates are updated in real time and can be viewed using the Dispatch Monitor

Streamline your operations

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