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Flight Tracking

Planned & real-time flight tracking for global awareness.



Monitor aircraft with real-time position updates

skybook Flight Tracking generates a comprehensive route plot extracted from the flight plan. Using positioning data taken from real-time ADS-B and/or ACARS to monitor all your live flights.

Compare flight progress to the planned route and monitor the entire active fleet or focus on a specific aircraft journey.

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Monitor aircraft with real-time position updates
Situational awareness for flight operations

Situational awareness for flight operations

Quickly see weather conditions at various flight altitudes using the WX slider to stay ahead of changing weather forecasts and potential issues.

Enhance flight safety awareness with:

  • Weather and NOTAM for all airports
  • Active alerts of deviated flights
  • Filters such as aircraft type or flight number
  • Planned position data, fuel and timings

Advanced layers for weather & environment

Providing a clear understanding of current and emerging weather or environmental changes:

  • Upper wind & temperature
  • Clear air turbulence
  • CB cloud
  • Cyclones & volcanoes
  • Airfields & FIRS
  • North Atlantic Tracks, Pacots & Ausots
Advanced layers for weather & environment
Active flight alerts for quick decision making

Active flight alerts for quick decision making

Deviation alerts notify operators when flights veer off their planned route.

These alerts are prominently displayed across skybook, providing immediate visibility and ensuring swift escalation of potential issues.

Aircraft position colour coding

During flight watch duties, tracking specific aircraft is made easier with aircraft colour coding:

Blue - On the ground 15 minutes pre-flight and post-flight.

White - Planned position based on the flight plan.

Green - Actual position of the aircraft.

Red - Aircraft has deviated from planned route.

Situational awareness for flight operations

GADSS compliance for your operations

Maintaining real-time awareness of your fleet's locations and the environmental challenges faced by pilots is essential.

Flight Tracking leverages real-time global positioning data to deliver critical insights into flight status, on-time performance, and weather conditions, ensuring your airline remains fully GADSS compliant.

skybook Active Alerting

Streamline your operations

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