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By Shane Spencer | 01 Jul 2019

Electronic flight bag system - what you need...

The Electronic Flight Bag system has truly been embraced across the aviation industry by operators looking to move away from outdated processes by embracing technology on the flight deck, and by regulators who are working to improve safety standards across a ever changing environment.

Before electronic flight bag systems...

What is an Electronic flight bag system? In brief, it is a tablet app and ground web portal, that helps airline pilots on flight deck perform flight management tasks more easily and efficiently than the traditional paper-based reporting. It offers a seamless, automated data management platform on a tablet device.

The EFB system is a digital replacement to traditional pilot's bag which would typically contain an estimated 12,000 sheets of paper per pilot, whereas the EFB is a fraction of the weight and doesn't use any paper whatsoever.

The EFB was originally intended to reduce the amount of paper pilots had to take on board in their flight bag, including aircraft operating manuals, flight-crew manual, and navigational charts.

The Value of an EFB

Other benefits of an EFB include, saving hours of manually preparing briefing packs, improved efficiency in the cockpit, cost savings from tonnes of paper and printing costs and reducing weight on each flight.

See more about the value of an electronic flight bag system here. 

efb system benefits

Are you EFB ready?

So, you're ready to move to an EFB or upgrade, but have you got a plan in place? 

We work with operators who have already invested a lot of time and money on an electronic flight bag system that doesn't meet their full requirements such as a not integrating with 3rd parties, having an unstable software uptime, still requiring lots of manual input, or lacking the ability to access post-flight data analysis.
efb post flight data analysis software for flight operations

We can say with confidence that our proven approach will help identify your core priorities and challenges that skybook will be able to address from the outset.

If you are ready to improve current processes by implementing an electronic flight bag system, here are some key areas to consider:

      • What problems each day within flight operations could an EFB resolve?
      • What are your current processes - how much time & money can be saved by automating these?
      • Create clear objectives - it can't all be about removing paper, the right EFB application will deliver so much more than this.
      • Does the EFB provider have a robust software roadmap or future EFB plans

We have a successful track record when it comes to replacing outdated airline systems. Using skybook to improve efficiency, accountability, and more importantly providing performance safety improvements through improved data capture.

We can even help with your regulatory approvals. Here's a case study from one of our aviation customers.

Industry leading EFB software uptime

Why are we any different to other suppliers for electronic flight bag systems? Quite simply, our team provide the best support and account management service and skybook has an industry leading software uptime of 99.95%!

efb software uptime reliable electronic flight bag technology

skybook has been engineered to tackle the challenges faced throughout daily flight operations and on the flight deck. Automation, flexibility and the ability to integrate with other systems, ensure that skybook improves the flow of vital information required for each flight. 

The integrated data is also reviewed in line with the operator settings and minima that are created during configuration and meet the exact requirements of each airline.

What does this mean? 
Essentially skybook does the hard work for you, for example automatically drawing your attention to any emerging weather & NOTAM issues that could affect a flight with NOTAM alert emails and system notifications.

Next steps...

Why not have a read of the classifications of an EFB to learn more.

Once you are ready, get in touch with us via the form below or arrange a demonstration with us today and ask about our 30 day trial so you can see the true benefits of our electronic flight bag system.


By Shane Spencer | 01 Jul 2019

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About the Author

Shane Spencer

Chief Executive Officer

Bytron Aviation Systems

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