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By Dan Cook | 27 Jan 2023

Added value for an EFB Manager

How can an aviation software company provide an EFB Manager and administrators with more efficiencies and value from the very beginning? So that they’re not spending all of their time stressing over training users, changes or dealing with system failures...

99.9% aviation uptime guarantee

Software uptime guarantee

At Bytron Aviation Systems 99.95% uptime guarantee is the minimum value that the skybook software delivers to its users. This is achieved by running on a fully fault-tolerant and load-balanced infrastructure within AWS.

This resilience makes our system the only EFB solution on the market to offer such a guarantee!

That’s one reason why second generation electronic flight bag users and EFB management teams migrate over to skybook. Afterall, an unreliable system that is always going down is an EFB managers nightmare! 

Our reliability goes even further with steps in place for security measures, such as:

  • Our disaster recovery plan which is an integral part of our ISO 27001 certification and quality management system.
  • Secure and SSL encrypted data from EFB to the dispatch flight operations system
  • EFB system hosted un a Tier 1 datacenter providing cyber, hacking and energy protection on all layers. 

efb software value


Customizable EFB

We are able to offer super admin users the capability to customize form fields and hide sections if needed; providing a tailored workflow for your specific operations.

This means there is no need to wait for updates to happen, saves on extra development costs and no need to learn any coding yourself.

You can learn more about our EFB customizations.

customizable efb app

EFB Training options

EFB training sessions with pilots, crew and flight operations personnel is crucial to ensure the successful implementation of an EFB and dispatch management system.

As part of implementing skybook, airlines are provided with a range of different training options for EFB managers or head of flight operations to choose, such as:

  • Our ‘train the trainer’ sessions with the EFB administrators and managers. This involves a number of sessions with our product experts, who will go through the whole system to ensure they are fully familiar with how it works and gives them opportunity to ask questions throughout.
  • Access to computer based training for all the pilots and users of the EFB application.
  • Full day, in person workshop training sessions. Here you have the option for our EFB product experts to visit your operations and host a training workshop with all users.
  • All users are also provided with a full in-depth, digital user guide that is continuously updated when there is a software update.

By utilising our flexible training options, EFB managers can take much of that stress off their hands, be more efficient if they do their own training sessions, and focus on their daily operations. 

efb manager support team

SLA agreement reassuring EFB managers

As the EFB system continues to develop we have strict service level agreements in place for all of our customers, where issues will be solved based on the critical level of priority; helping to reassure managers and the head of flight operations.

With a dedicated customer account manager who has regular check-in meetings to make sure the customer is happy and aware of the newest EFB software updates, and demonstrate any new features that may be due to release.

Our dedicated 24/7 support team are at hand for when an EFB manager has any suggested improvements or needs to raise a ticket. In fact, our support teams average response rate to a critical ticket is within 3.40 minutes!

EFB system development user forum

To collaborate with the EFB managers role in continuously looking to develop the EFB system with improvements and new ideas; we host a twice a year user forum.

The user forum enables all our EFB and ground system customers to have an open discussion about what new features should be added to skybook. This could be anything from integrations to new modules. Everyone gets to vote on their chosen features and they are added in order of popularity to our roadmap.


Curious as to how skybook could benefit your airline?

Arrange a bespoke demonstration here.

Bytron Aviation Systems skybook EFB platform is the only complete end-to-end solution for flight operations to effectively integrate and manage data for successful dispatch, flight briefing, flight phases and post-flight analysis of EFB data.

Follow our updates on LinkedIn.


By Dan Cook | 27 Jan 2023

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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