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By Dan Cook | 01 Oct 2021

Powerful airline flight analytics & reporting data


The skybook EFB flight data analytics provides airlines and aviation businesses with powerful insights into making operational improvements, saving time and money...


The aviation industry is driven by data. Aircraft performance data to aid emissions targets, on time performance, cost analysis, pilot hours - the list goes on and on.

Accessing these endless streams of flight data and analytics can be hugely labour intensive, often takes place across multiple platforms and can require a lot of information transferring which in turn can have a major impact on airline data accuracy.

At Bytron, we totally get this challenge, and our all-new flight Reporting and Analytics module is your complete automated solution across all airline departments.

 flight analytics

What makes skybook flight analytics unique?

Simple… skybook becomes your single point of truth thanks to the comprehensive EFF Journey Logging module that allows pilots to capture and report all vital actual flight data during every sector, via the electronic flight bag.

Compare data in skybook such as on time vs delayed flights, fuel uplift and usage, passenger information, delay code data, de-icing, and ground service costs.

All the EFB flight data is automatically fed back into skybook Reporting & Analytics as soon as the flight is signed off by the pilot. Operators gain instant access to the latest flight information for each sector and the ability to create flight reports to share with airline data analysts and other management departments.

Flight reports can be used to spot trends such as the most common delay codes on an aircraft, which may be affecting on-time performance. Enabling airlines to make informed changes and improvements to their operations.

Whether you specialise in airline performance, planning, scheduling or finance; all of the skybook analytical data will become available to access. 

on time performance data

What are the benefits for airlines?

The skybook Reporting and Analytics module is our direct response to the challenges faced across the airline and aviation industry. Managers looking to improve performance, working to become carbon neutral or find extra savings. 

The flight analytics software will deliver the following benefits:

    • Single point of truth for vital flight data

    • Reduce manual data collection

    • Improve flight data management and accuracy

    • Better access to real time information

    • Trend based flight analysis

    • Export flight report insights

(Here's a full article about the benefits of airline analytics from EFB data.)


“Reporting and analytics will broaden the understanding of what is going on in the airline operations by opening up information to other departments so they can get the most out of skybook. Performance data that comes from the pilots can help airline operators to make judgements such as whether to reduce the amount of fuel on the aircraft. It will allow operators to pick up on trends quicker such as multiple delays at airlines.”

Simon Clayton, Chief Operating Officer

airline flight analytics and reports


Custom airline flight reports

As with wider skybook modules, Reporting & Analytics is highly configurable offering operators the ability to create custom dashboards from a series of pre-defined templates and also by generating tailored reports which can be exported into other platforms.

The flight data is customizable with filter options such as by date, aircraft and airports. Customers can also request additional bespoke reporting tools as part of our development roadmap.

Reporting & Analytics plays a direct role in helping to find savings, increasing efficiencies, creating capacity, and making operational improvements across airline departments. 


flight data analytics

It’s a solution no airline operator should be without…

To arrange a call with our team and find out how effective our flight analytics software will be for your airline, email or visit the Reporting & Analytics page to find out more.

Here is also an overview about our flight operations software and it you have time, check out our latest module Form Builder, which enables operators to create custom digital forms that can be filled in on an EFB device.


By Dan Cook | 01 Oct 2021

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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