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By Charlotte | 12 Nov 2021

Inside Bytron: An Interview with Freddie Rispin

Freddie has been with the company for over 4 years now and is currently part of our QA Team as a QA Tester. We sat down with Freddie for a brief interview so you could get to know a bit more about him and his role within the company.


What is your job role?

“In a nutshell, I test our software to ensure the wants and needs of our customers are being met. Software Testers get involved from the very beginning of the Software Development Life Cycle, so we help to assure quality from the get go. Starting by discussing design concepts and product requirements, the whole Development Team aims to understand the intentions and expectations of any change that’s going to be made to the system. Testers then work closely with the Software Developers to validate that each new feature is working as we intended from the start and that the overall quality of the product is maintained.”


What is your favourite thing about your role?

“I love the variety that the role brings, we test a wide range of things in a wide range of places. On any given day I can be testing in the app, the ground portal, testing APIs, working in the database, in servers, in AWS or a combination of it all!

As Testers we also get to collaborate with loads of people within the business, not just Developers and fellow Testers but the Support Team, Customer Account Managers, the Technical Author and many more. Each day brings something new.”


How have you progressed within your career?

“I started my career as an IT support apprentice which gave me a great foundation to build from. I gained loads of exposure to the whole IT industry and I eventually identified that software testing was the thing for me! I worked in a few IT support roles before joining Keyzo in a split Support and Software Testing position. This gave me a great understanding of our products and our customers that I could bring to the table when testing, which I think elevated my QA abilities to another level.

In December 2018 I was promoted to be a full time Software Tester and since then the team has doubled in size! We now also have automation engineers and it’s been great working with them to improve our regression testing suite, helping to ensure we deliver the best products we can.”


What advice would you give to someone starting out in your area of the business?

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more you know about the people you work with, the product you work on and the customer you work for, the more you’ll be able to help to deliver top notch products!”


What superpower would you love to have, and why?

“I’ve thought about this question for far too long! I would say I’d love to have super intelligence /the ability to invent anything (think Tony Stark). If you can make anything you can cover a lot of bases, you could make an Iron Man suit and get to fly about and beat up baddies whilst also having the ability to solve lots of the issues that we face in the world, like climate change and poverty and all that…”


What is your favourite season, and why?

“It’s got to be spring; the days get longer and warmer, you leave behind the dreary winter months and you’ve got summer on the horizon. My birthday is in March as well so I tend to start spring on a high note!”


To learn more about the company and available roles within our team visit our careers page!


By Charlotte | 12 Nov 2021

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People Marketing Associate

Bytron Aviation Systems

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