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By Shane Spencer | 21 Jun 2017

NOTAM warning system

Going above and beyond what is thought of as a flight dispatch and crew briefing solution... skybook now features an advanced NOTAM warning system.

NOTAM warnings now available

Our latest module called NOTAM watch has seen us focus attention on NOTAM warnings, filtering and distribution, introducing further improvements to what is already one of the most effective aspects to skybook.

This now adds further value and functionality to our flight briefings by improving filtering options around NOTAM warnings.


How do our NOTAM warnings work?

We’ve created a settings area sthat enables further NOTAM filtering, highlighting potential issues as they come in and distributing incoming NOTAM warnings straight to planners and flight dispatchers.

This means that inclusion and exclusion rules can be created for NOTAM ensuring that the most current and important NOTAM are included in sector briefings based on QCodes and operational criteria.

For example, an operator may want to exclude NOTAM alerts around issues like basic airfield maintenance and grass cutting to ensure that focus remains on more important information that crew need to be aware of and could have an impact on the flight.

NOTAM critical, warning & normal

Our NOTAM filters also extend to the skybook electronic flight bag within the pilots digital briefing section, saving pilots countless time by being able to filter between normal, warning and critical NOTAMs.

notam filtering and warnings on efb

Our filter process is fully configurable by each operator.

This means that excluded information can either be removed all together or simply hidden so that it would still appear on a summary sheet within the pack showing which filters have been applied along with critical information highlighted.


NOTAM email warning alerts

NOTAM Email alerts can also be created through the settings panel, again based around specific criteria. This ensures crucial information gets sent to team members in real time as it comes into skybook.

The NOTAM alerts can be used by planners and dispatchers to monitor the situation at airfields of interest, enabling them to be warned of any situation that may affect operations.

Learn more about skybook

skybook can be purchased as a complete solution catering for flight dispatch, crew briefing, airfield monitoring and so much more. Or as seperate modules, each catering for specific aspects of the dispatch and briefing process.

If you want to know more about how skybook can improve the workflow of your flight operations, get in touch or book a demo.

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By Shane Spencer | 21 Jun 2017

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About the Author

Shane Spencer

Chief Executive Officer

Bytron Aviation Systems

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