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By Dan Cook | 16 Oct 2023

What is skybook aviation cloud?

We are far from new to aviation, with over 130 airlines using the skybook software, and 2 million pilot briefing packs generated each year! 

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However if you haven't heard of the skybook aviation cloud you can read more below, and here's a quick explainer video of what is skybook...

skybook has been around for over a decade, developed and maintained by Bytron, backed by 40 years of aviation software innovation.

Over the years we’ve served many airlines, handling agents, airports and state authorities, creating some of the most cutting-edge and reliable technologies to be used at the forefront of the aviation industry.

Let’s get down to business…what is skybook?

skybook as you see it today is the result of a need throughout aviation for better communication, efficiency and improved accessibility.

As it stands many organisations are still using the same planning processes they’ve had in place for years; without considering how things could be improved.

With skybook you can streamline your day to day operations from the ground up, freeing up time and reducing costs, facilitating the flow of data for a more integrated flight dispatch process and pilot workflow via a streamlined electronic flight bag (EFB).

How do we do this?

With a modular approach, skybook makes it easy for you to start your digital journey on your own terms; incorporating modules as and when you need them to streamline your flight operations.

skybook modules

Streamline your Flight Briefing process

Automatically generate flight briefing packs that are always up to date and filtered to your specific requirements.

skybook integrates your OFP from flight planning providers, to automatically create your bespoke pre-flight briefing material. Or you can upload your OFP manually if needed.

streamline pre flight briefing process

Keep on top of your flying environment

Ever tried manually monitoring the WX and NOTAM situation at all of the airfields that are significant to your flights? It sure can be very time-consuming!

skybook automates this process, monitoring airfields of interest so you don’t have to; automatically alerting you to any changes that could impact on your flights.

You can also gain full access to our flight tracking, for full situational awareness of all of your aircraft. Which is compliant with GADSS (Global Aeronautical Distress & Safety System) with aircraft deviation alerts, so that an aircraft is never lost!

flight deviation alerts in flight tracking

A paperless flight crew with EFB

skybook enables you to totally digitise your briefing, pilots journey log and navigation log and flightdocuments via the EFB app. 

On top of that, send targeted Notices to specific members of your Air Crew, so no paper-chasing is required.

What else can skybook do?

Designed with your needs in mind; other features include generating ETOPS charts and Route Plots automatically, staying on top of your flight sectors and being aware of potential delays.

Make strategic decisions with insightful post-flight analytics data that is fed instantly from the EFB app data and then stored in the comprehensive and secure flight data history record vault.

post flight analysis data for flight delays and fuel analysis

Overall skybook builds a much more connected flight crew and flight operations workflow, with integrated data from pre-flight to post-flight.

If you would be interested see for yourself, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

You might also like this article : What is Flight Watch?


By Dan Cook | 16 Oct 2023

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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