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ETOPS Charts

Generate custom ETOPS charts for flight briefing.



Improve efficiency and reduce workloads by automating the creation of ETOPS charts across all applicable flights

Automatic ETOPS Chart creation

Fully compliant ETOPS charts automatically generated as pilot briefing packs. Viewed as a PDF through the skybook EFB app, or as part of an ARINC 633 EFF package on a third party EFB system.

An interactive route map and briefing information is also displayed on the electronic flight bag.

ETOPS Chart Integration

Automating the creation of ETOPS charts across all applicable flights depicting range rings, alternates and equal time points with additional overlays also containing clear air turbulence, snow line and tracks.

We integrate with your flight planning system to create bespoke ETOPS / EDTO charts, so you benefit from a fully automated process.

skybook generates route plots charts utilising ETOPS Alternates (ERAs), Equal Time Points (ETPs) and ETOPS Rule Time, removing manual chart plotting and improving efficiency.

Our charts also include:

  • No-fly-zone areas

  • Data-entry boxes

  • Exit routes

  • Filtered airfields

View Pilot Briefing

Automating flight crew briefing
ETOPS charts are available through the EFB briefing pack, the
                Ground Portal, or as printable copies.

Fully approved & industry leading

ETOPS charts are available through the EFB briefing pack, the Ground Portal, or as printable copies if needed.

Our industry-leading charts are globally recognized and approved by CAAs worldwide. Notably, we were the first provider to receive approval for the automated production of ETOPS charts from both the UK CAA and the French DAAC.

View Briefing Charts

ETOPS release

Equip your pilots with essential flight data and clear instructions for handling incidents during an ETOPS flight using the ETOPS Release.

The ETOPS Release outlines the following information:

  • Flight details (date, time, call sign, aircraft reg)

  • Traffic Management Initiative

  • Route

  • Dispatcher ID

  • ETOPS summary comments

  • En-Route Alternates (operating hours, runway detail, approach, operating minima, X wind and RFFS)

skybook puts operators firmly in control when it comes to ETOPS charts.

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