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By | 05 May 2021

V1.24 of the skybook Ground Portal is now live

Skybook V1.24 update is now live – here’s the headlines…


Our latest skybook update has gone live with particular focus on ETOPS, our PDF based briefings, oceanic entry and exits points and a number of aspects within the skybook EFB in order to deliver some priority requirements for skybook users and to also ensure our modules are evolving ahead our revised EFB application later in June. 

Here, we’ll break down each of the release items for you starting in the skybook Ground Portal:


Changing ETOPS to EDTO 

It’s now possible to easily switch all reference of ETOPS to EDTO across the skybook Ground Portal and Electronic Flight Bag application. 

We have done this to accommodate operators that use the Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) regime instead of ETOPS. 

This easy to apply setting can be enabled in a matter of seconds via the skybook settings area and once in place with ensure that all ETOPS references are replaced with EDTO across skybook and within the EFB application. 

For example, EDTO will display in the Dispatch Monitor


The ETOPS Release Form can be changed to EDTO


EDTO within the EFB crew briefing


And finally, making the change is quick and easy within the skybook settings area



PDF weather charts for EFF packages 

As we continue to support more operators using 3rd party EFB’s and EFF’s, our ability to provide comprehensive additional information for EFF briefing packs using skybook’s class leading data sets to automatically generate the information provided for each package. 

In the latest release we have added a new setting that allows operators to generate multiple PDF files containing weather charts for a given sector which can be automatically added to an EFF file and sent directly as part of the briefing package. 

This has been added in order to cater for pilots that may need to annotate directly onto the charts to make changes or capture notes making it a very useful addition to the flight deck. 

Keeping track of additional charts is easy via the skybook Dispatch Monitor and within Sector Attachments:


Once uploaded, the crew can access the charts within their EFB application and update with ease:



Labelling of all oceanic entry and exit points

It is now possible to display all oceanic entry and exit points on route plots for all types of flights. (SKY-3686)

When viewing the route plot charts for a sector, skybook will default to showing any applicable entry and exit points around a pre-determined radius.

To aid users who wish to be able to monitor oceanic entry and exit points for a given flight, skybook can now also display all potential entry and exit points around a planned route.

This means that users are able to not only see the planned oceanic entry and exit points for their route but also reference all other designated entry and exit points nearby.

Note: This functionality is enabled via an operator setting. Please contact your skybook account representative for further information.


Note: The Oceanic Entry and Exit points will not be plotted on Upper Wind & Temperature or SIG WX charts. Additionally, where PACOTS, AUSOTS, FLEX, or NAT points are available, the Oceanic Entry & Exit points will not be duplicated.



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