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Over 12 million briefing packs are created each year in skybook

Over 12 million briefing packs are created each year in skybook!

Sector briefing makes it easy for dispatch and OCC departments to generate full pre-flight briefing packs for multiple sectors or individual flights.

The briefing pack information can then be reviewed before releasing it to the pilots EFB.

Sector Briefing in 3 easy steps...

Create voyage

Step 1 - Create voyage

All sectors for the specific flight are automatically added, so simply click create voyage!

Accept sector

Step 2 - Accept sector

View the pre-flight briefing information including summary, OFP, airfield, FIRs, charts, any notices and then accept sector.

Release briefing

Step 3 - Release briefing

Once the sector has been accepted the briefing pack can be released directly to the pilots EFB. Or the briefing pack can be downloaded as a pdf file for emailing or printing.

Released briefing packs highlighted in Dispatch

Released briefing packs highlighted in Dispatch

When the generated pre-flight briefing pack is released and sent to the pilots EFB, the flight is then highlighted green on the dispatch system.

Indicating to the dispatchers that the next step is the pilots pre-flight sign off.



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