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By Shane Spencer | 07 Dec 2020

eForm Builder for the EFB & Portal


Despite a global pandemic, our team has grown, our airline and aviation client list has increased and most importantly, we have released a series of enhancements to our skybook software in order to support our airline operator clients and the pilots using the EFB.

As the year draws to a close the pace of development is far from slowing down though as we excitedly prepare to launch our all new Form Builder module. The eForm builder is by far the most flexible module in the skybook range to date.

(Download product sheet)


An intuitive easy to use eForm builder

Form Builder has been engineered to help skybook operators respond to the ever-evolving world of aviation by giving them the ability to create their own fully digital eforms in house with ease in a matter of minutes, without the need for external assistance from the Bytron Aviation Systems Team. 

Thanks to the eForms highly intuitive user interface, users can set the forms layout, add input boxes, decide whereabouts in skybook the form will be available to users and even which additional skybook functionality can be utilised. For example within the EFB software on the ipad, using the tablets camera to snap a picture for inclusion in the eform. 

Once ready for use, the eforms can be fully previewed before being enabled within the selected skybook module – all of which takes place without the need for any input from the Bytron team. 

Most importantly, the data captured can be extracted from the eform and exported post flight directly to other airline departments or operations systems, removing the need for onward inputting and reducing the potential for any human error. 


Efficient airline operations with eForms

skybook Form Builder empowers aviation and airline operators by giving them the chance to add yet more value to existing skybook modules, like the EFB for example, by being able to create the additional forms that will help to push the digital first approach to all new levels.  

The digital forms you create could be as simple as a leave request or as complicated as Air Safety Reports, Mandatory Occurrence Reports and Dent and Buckle, it’s up to you what information you want to gather. 

Available for implementation early in 2021, Form Builder is part of the build-up to the eagerly anticipated eTech Log launch which will help operators to achieve full digital transformation by closing the loop post flight between operations and dispatch, flight deck and maintenance teams.



Why not try skybook eForms for yourself?

Our skybook EFB and airline operations software is already proven to outperform rival products by being more flexible and responsive and more collaborative through integration.

Above all it is more in tune with the challenges faced by airlines and operators thanks to the configuration options available and the way in which our team of experts are able to understand problems and create digital solutions to resolve them.

To register your interest in Form Builder or the wider skybook modules such as our upcoming airline analytics and reporting module simply email or get in touch.


By Shane Spencer | 07 Dec 2020

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About the Author

Shane Spencer

Chief Executive Officer

Bytron Aviation Systems

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