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By Dan Cook | 22 Apr 2024

Pilot & Crew Briefing Information

Pilot briefing, also known as crew briefing, is an instrumental process in flight preparation, providing pilots and flight crews with essential information for safe and efficient flights.

This article explores the main components of crew briefing and its crucial role within aviation operations.

And how a fully compiled pilot briefing can help improve situational awareness and bring huge efficiencies to the airline. 

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What is crew briefing? 

Crew briefing is a pre-flight step that provides pilots with a comprehensive digital pack of information, this pack is often known as a Electronic Flight Folder (EFF) or flight briefing pack.

This includes the operational flight plan (OFP), weather conditions, planned route charts, NOTAM and airport information, and any details for safety and efficiency awareness.

Today, the majority of pilots can access this information on their Electronic Flight Bag device as an interactive briefing, or as a digital pdf file. 

Allowing pilots to view flight information from any location, at any time, in advance of their flying.

In the past, it was typical for pilots to transport hefty stacks of paper containing flight briefing data; although this is still common with some airlines. 

What is an automatic briefing? 

Within flight operations, dispatchers, flight planners or other operators may be involved in reviewing the pilot briefing information, before releasing it to the pilots.

This could involve having an in person briefing discussion, in a flight planning area or over other forms of electronic communication, which can often be time consuming and costly.

An efficient approach involves specific operators having access to automatically collated crew briefings for all their scheduled flights, via a centralised system.

The briefing data can then be reviewed and released by the dispatcher directly to the pilots EFB device, or in some operations the pilot briefings might be automatically be created and released direct to the pilots. 

pilot briefing release

Attach additional information to pilot briefings

Accessing pilot briefing packs via a central dispatch system, gives operators the added benefit of being able to attach additional documents such as loadsheets, NOTOC or GENDEC, or include any crucial last minute notices that the pilot needs to be aware of.

An added benefit is that any last minute information or documents, can be added to the EFF briefing pack and instantly resynced to the pilots EFB.

Which means the pilot doesn’t have to wait for any new flight plans to be generated. 

What is included in a crew briefing?

This covers weather information and charts specific to the routes departure, en-route, destination and alternate airports. With METAR and TAF forecasts, temperature, wind speed and direction, visibility, cloud cover, turbulence, and precipitation. Including any other significant weather that pilots can anticipate and prepare for potential challenges.

See how a digital briefing can provide interactive weather briefings and streamline a pilots workflow.
pilot briefing weather and notam

NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen) alert flight crew to temporary hazards, runway closures, navigation equipment outages, and other operational considerations. Using digital briefing on the skybook EFB, allows flight crew to easily filter NOTAMs to see only critical and warnings that are relevant to their flight.

Route and Navigation
Crew members review the planned route, considering air traffic control requirements, preferred routes, airspace classifications, waypoints, and navigation procedures.

Also reviewing planned diversions and alternate routes to ensure preparedness for unexpected contingencies. 

Airfield Status Symbols
The interactive route map includes our intuitive airfield status symbols, that provide quick situational awareness critical weather (Wx) and NOTAMs at a glance. Based on a minima colour coded system of red - critical conditions, orange - warning level and green for no significant issues.

airfield weather status

Importance of Pilot and Crew Briefings

Crew briefings are essential for flight safety awareness and operational efficiency. By providing comprehensive information, briefing enables flight crew to make informed decisions and ensure the safety and success of every flight.

A centralised system for dispatchers to quickly review the pre-flight briefing packs, also improves awareness within flight operations. Enhancing communication, and promoting a proactive approach to flight planning and execution.

Why no learn more about skybook, and how it can improve your dispatch and pilot briefing process…


By Dan Cook | 22 Apr 2024

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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